Murder on the Line: (Sweet Valley High Super Thriller, No 5)
By Francine Pascal

Chosen for the staff of Memorial High's

From the Publisher Jessica and Elizabeth Wakefield are looking forward to another summer as interns at the Sweet Valley News. Elizabeth can't wait to get to work as a reporter; Jessica can't wait to spend time with the gorgeous new editor. Jessica is even more excited when she discovers that a crossed telephone line allows her to eavesdrop on other people's conversations. She loves listening in on the private lives of Sweet Valley -- until she overhears plans for a murder! Elizabeth thinks Jessica's imagination is working overtime, until the body of a teenage girl washes up on the beach. The police make a connection between the girl and a local drug ring -- and Jessica makes the connection between the voice on the phone and someone who works in the newspaper office! When the twins start to get threatening calls at home, it's time to put the killer's plans on hold before he disconnects them forever! From the Inside Flap Jessica and Elizabeth Wakefield are looking forward to another summer as interns at the Sweet Valley News. Elizabeth can't wait to get to work as a reporter; Jessica can't wait to spend time with the gorgeous new editor. Jessica is even more excited when she discovers that a crossed telephone line allows her to eavesdrop on other people's conversations. She loves listening in on the private lives of Sweet Valley -- until she overhears plans for a murder!Elizabeth thinks Jessica's imagination is working overtime, until the body of a teenage girl washes up on the beach. The police make a connection between the girl and a local drug ring -- and Jessica makes the connection between the voice on the phone and someone who works in the newspaper office! When the twins start to get threatening calls at home, it's time to put the killer's plans on hold before he disconnects them forever!
excellent book!!!!! `I loved this book because it was funny how jessica could hear other people conversations. But the part when Jessica knows who the killer was itwas pretty exciting the book Murder on the Line Here we see a classic of the Sweet Valley sucky writing, predictable plotline, etc. The murder mystery, not so much a mystery as a blaring, flashing "HE DID IT" sign. So many unrealistic situations, it makes your head hurt. It even gets preachy about drugs. We get that Elizabeth is a goody-two-shoes, but really, two paragraphs directly out of a health textbook about why drugs are harmful? That's overdoing it. Everything is neatly tied up as usual (no continuity) the end. I don't hate the series. I was a fan for quite some time (so much so that I went through every book), but for the most part, the stand-alones, the ones that don't have a continuous plot, are horribly unbearable. Rating: 2/5 Murder Mystery An intriguing mystrey novel that will keep you wondering all the way through,who is the drug lord/murderer,who is helping him,and who can,in fact,be trusted????

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