Ladies' Phone Club
From Asian Pulp Cinema

Incoherant and Silly This is one of the most jumbled things I've ever seen. The initial idea seems to be an almost "American Pie" style look at "900" services, but they suddenly shift into a sub plot about an engineer that thinks he's turned into a super-hero, but no, then it's about rival corporations trying to take each other over. But, wrong again, it's a love story; nope, it's about a boy's attempts to overcome his weaknesses. Oops, no, it's about his relationship with his mother. No, it's about his engagement to a woman he hates; no, it's about one of the phone operator's traumatic childhood.Believe it or not, there are actually more sub plots. Trying to keep track of what's going on here makes you so confused you can't get the punchlines because you're still trying to filter information. Further, by the time they have Kei Mizutani doing what she does best, you're so lost you don't even realize it's happening.This would be worth, at most, a rental - and then for only for watching at extreme late night when your brain is entirely disengaged so you don't hurt something vital.

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