Sony MDR7506 Professional Large Diaphragm Headphone
From Sony

The professional audio industry standard.The MDR-7506 is a large diaphragm foldable headphone designed for professional studio and live/broadcast applications. Proven to be reliable in the toughest situations. Headphone features gold connectors, an oxygen--free cord. Supplied soft pouch.

  • Brand: Sony
  • Model: MDR7506
  • Dimensions: .0" h x .0" w x .0" l, 1.40 pounds

The Sony MDR-7506 Professional Large Diaphragm Headphone is a large diaphragm foldable headphone designed for professional studio and live/broadcast applications. These large diaphragm, foldable headphones feature a rugged construction, a secure, highly effective closed-ear design, and a 40 millimeter driver unit for clean, clear sound reproduction. The closed-ear design provides both comfort and outstanding reduction of external noises. The included Stereo UniMatch plug allows use in both 1/4-inch and 1/8-inch applications. A soft case for protective storage is included with the headphones.

Tried them all--these are the best.5
I run a digital arts studio and teach digital arts, and have tried more than a dozen different headphones in the $15 to $250 price range. Again and again, I go back to using the MDR-7506 for all applications from digital video shooting and editing to music recording and studio mastering. Most of the pros I know also use the MDR-7506 when they have a choice--and buy them for use at home too.

What makes these the best? First and foremost, excellent reproduction from bass into the high end, with unrivalled "punch" and clarity. They are much louder at a given input volume than most headphones, which is important if your are recording in the field and need to hear the headphone monitoring above the ambient sound and the live sound around you. They are comfortable, instantly adjust to different head sizes without any fussing, sturdy and easily repairable, and stowe quickly and easily in the included soft drawstring bag.

I do keep a couple of pairs of high-end ($300+) headphones to check as references when mastering music, but honestly I seldom find anything with them that isn't already clear with the 7506es.

The only problem I can report is that, even though they invariably outlast other headphones in terms of wear-and-tear, they do get STOLEN more often by my students. Once you get used to the 7506, its hard to go back to using any other headphones that cost less that twice their price.

I still dream of someday discovering a comparable headphone set for half or a quarter the price of the MDR7506. Every year, I buy a few $25 or $50 models just out of hope. So far, however, nothing out there qualifies as "acceptable" to me--including the many competing $99 headphone models from other companies and even from Sony.

Bottom line: Don't hesitate. You absolutely cannot go wrong with the MDR7506. This is the headphone of choice, the industry standard. The only reason they're so cheap is MARKET VOLUME--Sony sells a lot of these to audio and video pros!!

Oh My Gawd is an understatement!5
This is the first time that I've left a product review of any type, but I just felt that I had to....

I'm not an expert in audio, but I DID get tired of less expensive headphones just not living up to my expectations.

These Sony headphones are worth every penny. First, they have plenty of volume - something lesser headphones lack. Sometimes I just wanna ROCK - I want it LOUD. Most headphones dis-appoint on that.

So - I bought these because I read a review saying that they had higher volume at lower settings. Not only am I pleased with the volume (even when only connected to my ipod!), but the sound quality is STUNNING.

FANTASTIC Bass - You'd SWEAR that there is a sub-woofer operating somewhere, and the highs are all there. VERY impressive dynamic range.

Ok - I'll stop being a salesman for Sony. Let's just say that I was impressed enough to leave my FIRST product feedback. Buy these headphones, you will NOT be disappointed.

Ron (yoda)

Can't beat the performance for the price4
These headphones are very much worth the price. I have approximately 20-30 high-end headphones. I have spent as much as $900.00 for the top of the high-end headphones. Each set offers different things that are wonderful.

The Sony 7506 is no frills. No leather covered earpads or aluminum fittings. They fit snugly, but not as constrictive as Sennheiser 600 or 650. They do not float on your head like the audiophile Audio-Technica models which are excellent. The earpads fit on the ear rather than surrounding the ear like Audio-Technica. The phones are closed back and achieve a very good seal as to outside noise.

As far as sound, I cannot say that they are flat sounding. They have an immediate sound stage. You feel you are on stage with the musicians. There is no sense of separation from the sources of the music. The sound is very joyful and dynamic. They are very easily driven by an Ipod. I have not heard them with a headphone amplifier. I suspect that a headphone amplifier might make them sound overripe if not on the low gain setting.

Often times, I prefer an open-backed headphone because it seems to give you a sound that has more space in it. I like the more subtle approach, but these headphones do not seem too close.

On a technical note, the headphones appear to be made of plastic rather than lightweight metal. The wires that go to each earcup of the headphones are exposed so that they could be pulled if you do not use them very carefully. One thing you will note from the Audio-Technica ATH-AD700 (which is approximately the same price) is that the wires to each of the earcups is hidden inside frame of the headphones. Additionally, I believe (although I am not sure)that the headphone frames of the Audio-Technica ATH-AD700 are metal with metal fittings. I cannot comment on how long the Sony headphones will last because I have only owned the 7506 for a month or so. At the same price, you might want to consider the Audio-Technica ATH-AD700 or the Grado SR-80.

In short, if you are not a fanatical collector of headphones and only want to purchase one pair, this is an excellent choice. By the way, by having more than one set of headphones, you in effect have several different stereos--each sounding rather different than the other. To achieve sound of this caliber from speakers, you would have to spend thousands of dollars to get the quality of sound a listener with good headphones can get from an Ipod featuring huge memory and portability. Lastly, you will not burden everyone around you in your family with having to listen to the same music you are listening to your music.

1 Response to "Sony MDR7506 Professional Large Diaphragm Headphone"

  1. gravatar Jannatul fardous Says:

    Thanks for share this sony best product information.

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